Hemi Tewarson is a Duke-Margolis Visiting Senior Policy Fellow, where she has senior strategic responsibilities in the Center’s continued development and expansion of a substantial state health policy research and analysis program at Duke-Margolis. Specifically, Hemi will help strengthen the Center’s engagement in state-level COVID-19 response, including such areas as new models of care and effective strategies for COVID-19 testing and containment. Previously, Hemi served as the director for the Health Division of the National Governors Association’s (NGA) Center for Best Practices, overseeing a broad project portfolio including Medicaid transformation and coverage, Medicaid data systems, health care delivery, and payment system reform, workforce, opioids, and behavioral health and social determinants. Prior to joining NGA, Hemi served as senior attorney for the Office of the General Counsel at the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
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